School News
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Chinese New Year celebration and dumpling making
Wild animals prepare for carnival
Carnival is fast approaching and we had the idea of having a small party filled with sweets and comforting drinks, however the Covid will not allow us to celebrate Carnival with our children at school. . Well ! Never mind we keep the celebration of the carnival,...
It is time for the chants of Candlemas!
Pancakes for a day, pancakes of love, pancakes always, A good dough remains good company, especially when it is shared with our mistresses and our friends.
The principle of observation in Montessori
One of the main foundations of Montessori education is observation for Educators, but it also applies to children. The youngest observe and reproduce. Child observers are absorbed in the work of others. In a Montessori class, the older ones are delighted to take the...
Christmas solidarity
Dear Parents, The APC is organizing a large Christmas toy appeal to benefit local association that take care of underprivileged children who do not have gifts for Christmas. Each child in the school can participate by bringing toys or books, the goal is also to...
Opening of our International Montessori Middle School in September 2020
Give your children an opportunity to fulfill themselves at school. A school in which students participate to setting up their daily schedule and accomplishing their projects. In which Montessori pedagogy tap into teens passions which serve as a jump board to live both...
Bilingual workshops holidays February 2020
Reserve your spots by filling out the registration form.This will ensure your children have a fun and exciting holiday ! - Fun activities in English and in French - Open to all children between 2 and 12 years old - Come for half days or full days ENROLL HERE ! Please...
2-3 years old classroom newsletter – autumn edition
Please find all the latest news about the 2-3 years old classroom of Colibris in the Newsletter - autumn edition 2019 HERE
We'll be glad to welcome your child(ren) during our Montessori Wednesdays. Please bring the following items : SUPPLIES MONTESSORI WEDNESDAYS click here
Parents meeting back to school 2019
Parents meeting back to school 2019 : • Group 2-3 : Thursday, September 05, 2019 at 4:30 pm • Classes 3-6 : Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 4:30 pm • Class 6-9 : Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 4:30 pm • Class 9-12 : Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 4:30...
Back to school 2019
• Pre-rentrée : For all children on Friday, August 30, 2019 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am : meeting with the educators + list of supplies : 2-3 supplies 2019-2020 ; 3-6 supplies 2019-2020 ; 8-12 fournitures 2019-2020.pdf • Back to school for former children : Monday...
Rentrée 2019
• Pré-rentrée : Pour tous les élèves le vendredi 30 août 2019 de 9h00 à 11h00 : rencontre avec les éducateurs + liste des fournitures (cf. ci-contre) : classe 2-3 ans fournitures 2019-2020 ; classe 3-6 ans fournitures 2019-2020 ; classe 8-12 ans_fournitures 2019-2020...
bilingual internship
The children were very happy to take partun in the Montessori bilingual activities animated by the school team. Our next workshops are during the Summer holidays. Don't wait to reserve your spots by filling out the registration form ! REGISTRATION HERE Registration...
Come and join us for breakfast and meet our team of Montessori educators. There will be activities for the children as well. OPEN DAY ON SATURDAY MARCH 16th FROM 9AM TO 1PM. From 0 to 12 YEARS. We are giving parents the opportunity to view our school, be introduced to...
Parents conference
Freedom and discipline are both necessary for any successful educational experience. How do parents empower their children and ensure healthy self-esteem ? Parenting habits can be learned : it is a journey that can be difficult but yet enriching. Join us as we discuss...
The Little Hummingbird Journal
The School News Journal: main events of the year 2024, school news, classes, educators, the parents’ association and various activities… In images and colors with photos and drawings, articles, reports on school life. To view it (20 pages), click below.

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3735, route des Dolines
06410 BIOT / Sophia Antipolis
Alpes-Maritimes, Côte d’Azur, France