16 Jun 2022 | class 3-6 years green, class 3-6 years pink, class 3-6 years yellow, classe 6-9 ans, news, newsletter 6-12 years
13 Oct 2021 | classe 6-9 ans
Today is the Canadian Thanksgiving Day! It is an annual Canadian holiday held on the second Monday in October, which celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents for their patience and trust....
15 Jun 2021 | classe 6-9 ans
12 Jan 2021 | classe 6-9 ans
The children are enjoying the chess classes with Charlotte and Stevens (Celia’s parents). They also get to play in class during quiet...
11 Jan 2021 | classe 6-9 ans
Everyone in the Orange class was happy to start the New Year together. We celebrated Secret Santa with beautiful and tasty gifts. We also celebrated Epiphany; the class made a delicious “king cake” (galette des rois ) and Julian was the king!
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